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interview questions
This interview blog gives you free, up-to-date job interview tips,how to crack D interview, techniques and advice.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Advance Computing Technology Question Bank
This file contains questions of ACT chapter wise so that will help u in exam.
ACT Question Bank alternative link
Friday, 19 August 2011
GATE Study Material for ECE
The reference books for GATE ECE students are below.
Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods,Transform Theory
Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal
Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal
Calculus, Differential equations, Complex variables:
Intermediate Mathematics, S.chand publications by B.V.Sastry , K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember ) both the volumes.
Intermediate Mathematics, S.chand publications by B.V.Sastry , K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember ) both the volumes.
Probability and Statistics:
Probability , statistics and queuing theory by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor
Probability , statistics and queuing theory by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor
Networks: Network graphs:
Network Analysis by Van Valkenburg
Network Theory by Alexander Sadiku, UA Bakshi
Network Theory by Shaum’s outline, Robbins and Miller
Network Analysis by Van Valkenburg
Network Theory by Alexander Sadiku, UA Bakshi
Network Theory by Shaum’s outline, Robbins and Miller
Electronic Devices
Electronic Devices and Circuits by Boylestead
Solid State Electronic Devices by Benjamin G Streetman
Integrated electronics by Milman Halkias
Electronic Devices and Circuits by David A Bell
Integrated Circuits: Sedra Smith, K.R. Botkar
Electronic Principals by Malvino
Electronic Devices and Circuits by Boylestead
Solid State Electronic Devices by Benjamin G Streetman
Integrated electronics by Milman Halkias
Electronic Devices and Circuits by David A Bell
Integrated Circuits: Sedra Smith, K.R. Botkar
Electronic Principals by Malvino
Analog and Digital Circuits
Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt & Kemmerly
Electric Circuits by Joseph A. Edminister
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Sadiku
Electronic Circuit Analysis by Donald Neamen
Electronic Devices and Circuits by Boylestead
Micro Electronic Circuits by Sedra & Smith
Digital Circuits Anand Kumar, Morris Mano
Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt & Kemmerly
Electric Circuits by Joseph A. Edminister
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits – Sadiku
Electronic Circuit Analysis by Donald Neamen
Electronic Devices and Circuits by Boylestead
Micro Electronic Circuits by Sedra & Smith
Digital Circuits Anand Kumar, Morris Mano
Signals and Systems:
Signals and System by Oppenham and Schiener
Signals and System: by Schaum Series, Willsky & Nacob
Signals and System by Sanjay Sharma
Signals and System by Oppenham and Schiener
Signals and System: by Schaum Series, Willsky & Nacob
Signals and System by Sanjay Sharma
Control Systems:
Control Systems by Ogatta,Kuo
Linear Control Systems by B.S Manke.
Control Systems by Ogatta,Kuo
Linear Control Systems by B.S Manke.
Communication Systems by Simon Haykin
Principle of Communication System by B. P. Lathi
Principle of Communication System by Taub & Schilling
Communication Systems by Carlson
Communication Systems by Sanjay Sharma
Communication Systems by Simon Haykin
Principle of Communication System by B. P. Lathi
Principle of Communication System by Taub & Schilling
Communication Systems by Carlson
Communication Systems by Sanjay Sharma
Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems by Hayt, JD Kraus
Elements of Electromagneticsby Sadiku
Electromagnetics by J.D.Kraus
Engineering Applications of Electromagnetic Theory by Liao
Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems by Hayt, JD Kraus
Elements of Electromagneticsby Sadiku
Electromagnetics by J.D.Kraus
Engineering Applications of Electromagnetic Theory by Liao
Few other useful books for GATE ECE preparation.
Gate 2010 by R.S. Kanodia (for questions only)
Previous GATE Question papers(Made Easy Publishers,GK publishers etc)
Previous Engg Services question papers(Made Easy Publishers)
Aptitude Test-D R Choudhary
GATE Physics Self Study Book by Surekha Tomar
Multiple Choice Questions with Explainatory Answers by UPKAR Publication , Agra
Gate 2010 by R.S. Kanodia (for questions only)
Previous GATE Question papers(Made Easy Publishers,GK publishers etc)
Previous Engg Services question papers(Made Easy Publishers)
Aptitude Test-D R Choudhary
GATE Physics Self Study Book by Surekha Tomar
Multiple Choice Questions with Explainatory Answers by UPKAR Publication , Agra
Thursday, 18 August 2011
GATE Study Material for CSE and IT
The reference books for GATE CSE and IT students are below.
Mathematical Logic: Propositional Logic; First Order Logic, Set Theory & Algebra: Sets; Relations; Functions; Groups; Partial Orders; Lattice; Boolean Algebra.
Textbook :
” Discrete Mathematics ” by Tremblay and Manohar .
Textbook :
” Discrete Mathematics ” by Tremblay and Manohar .
Probability: Conditional Probability; Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation; Random Variables; Distributions; uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson, Binomial.
Textbook :
” Probability , statistics and queuing theory ” by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor
Textbook :
” Probability , statistics and queuing theory ” by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor
Combinatorics: Permutations; Combinations; Counting; Summation; generating functions; recurrence relations; asymptotics.
Textbook :
” Intermediate Mathematics ” , S.Chand publications , authors : B.V.Sastry and K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember )
” Higher Engineering Mathematics ” by B.S.Grewal for generating functions and recurrence relations . ( Bessel’s formula , Lagrangian Polynomial )
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS ) for recurrence relations and asymptotics
Textbook :
” Intermediate Mathematics ” , S.Chand publications , authors : B.V.Sastry and K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember )
” Higher Engineering Mathematics ” by B.S.Grewal for generating functions and recurrence relations . ( Bessel’s formula , Lagrangian Polynomial )
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS ) for recurrence relations and asymptotics
Graph Theory: Connectivity; spanning trees; Cut vertices & edges; covering; matching; independent sets; Colouring; Planarity; Isomorphism
Textbook :
” Intoduction to Graph Theory ” by Narsing Deo
Textbook :
” Intoduction to Graph Theory ” by Narsing Deo
Linear Algebra: Algebra of matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Textbook :
” Higher Engineering Mathematics ” by B.S.Grewal
Textbook :
” Higher Engineering Mathematics ” by B.S.Grewal
Numerical Methods: LU decomposition for systems of linear equations; numerical solutions of non linear algebraic equations by Secant, Bisection and Newton-Raphson Methods; Numerical integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules.
Textbook :
” Numerical Methods ” – by S.S.Sastry
Textbook :
” Numerical Methods ” – by S.S.Sastry
Calculus: Limit, Continuity & differentiability, Mean value Theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite & improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total derivatives, maxima & minima.
Textbook :
” Intermediate Mathematics ” , S.chand publications , authors : B.V.Sastry , K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember )
Textbook :
” Intermediate Mathematics ” , S.chand publications , authors : B.V.Sastry , K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember )
Formal Languages and Automata Theory: Regular languages and finite automata, Context free languages and Push-down automata, Recursively enumerable sets and Turing machines, Un-decidability;
Textbook :
” Formal Languages and Automata theory ” , J.D.Ullman etal
Textbook :
” Formal Languages and Automata theory ” , J.D.Ullman etal
Analysis of Algorithms and Computational Complexity: Asymptotic analysis (best, worst, average case) of time and space, Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems, NP-completeness.
Textbook :
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )
” Computer Algorithms ” – Horowitz and Sahani
A very good textbook on “Algorithms ” coming soon from Dr.M.N.Seetaramanth ( Tata Mc Graw Hill publications )
Textbook :
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )
” Computer Algorithms ” – Horowitz and Sahani
A very good textbook on “Algorithms ” coming soon from Dr.M.N.Seetaramanth ( Tata Mc Graw Hill publications )
Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of Combinational and Sequential circuits; Number representation and Computer Arithmetic (fixed and floating point);
Textbook :
” Digital Logic circuits and Design ” by Morris Mano
Textbook :
” Digital Logic circuits and Design ” by Morris Mano
Computer Organization: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU and Data-path, hardwired and micro-programmed control, Memory interface, I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode), Serial communication interface, Instruction pipelining, Cache, main and secondary storage.
Textbook :
” Computer Organisation ” by Morris Mano
” Computer Architecture ” by Briggs and 2 chinese authors ( blue cover pad ) { for pipelining }
Textbook :
” Computer Organisation ” by Morris Mano
” Computer Architecture ” by Briggs and 2 chinese authors ( blue cover pad ) { for pipelining }
Data structures: Notion of abstract data types, Stack, Queue, List, Set, String, Tree, Binary search tree, Heap, Graph;
Textbook :
” Data structures ” Schaumm’s outline series
” Data structures in PASCAL ” by Horowitz and Sahani
” Data structures and Algorithms ” by Weiss etal
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )
Textbook :
” Data structures ” Schaumm’s outline series
” Data structures in PASCAL ” by Horowitz and Sahani
” Data structures and Algorithms ” by Weiss etal
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )
Programming Methodology: C programming, Program control (iteration, recursion, Functions), Scope, Binding, Parameter passing, Elementary concepts of Object oriented, Functional and Logic Programming
Textbook :
” Programming with C ” – Byron Gottfried , Schaumm’s outline series
” Principles of Programming Languages ” by Robert W Sebesta , Addison Wesley
” Programming with C++ ” – Balaguruswamy
” Programming with C ” – Byron Gottfried , Schaumm’s outline series
” Principles of Programming Languages ” by Robert W Sebesta , Addison Wesley
” Programming with C++ ” – Balaguruswamy
Algorithms for problem solving: Tree and graph traversals, Connected components, Spanning trees, Shortest paths; Hashing, Sorting, Searching; Design techniques (Greedy, Dynamic Programming, Divide-and-conquer);
Textbook :
” Data structures ” Schaumm’s outline series
” Data structures in PASCAL ” by Horowitz and Sahani
” Computer Algorithms ” – Horowitz and Sahani
” Data structures and Algorithms ” by Weiss etal
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )
Textbook :
” Data structures ” Schaumm’s outline series
” Data structures in PASCAL ” by Horowitz and Sahani
” Computer Algorithms ” – Horowitz and Sahani
” Data structures and Algorithms ” by Weiss etal
” Introduction to algorithms ” – Cormen etal ( CLRS )
Compiler Design: Lexical analysis, Parsing, Syntax directed translation, Runtime environment, Code generation, Linking (static and dynamic);
Textbook :
” Principles of Compiler Design ” , Aho , Ullman etal .
” Systems Programming ” by John . J . Donovan
Textbook :
” Principles of Compiler Design ” , Aho , Ullman etal .
” Systems Programming ” by John . J . Donovan
Operating Systems: Classical concepts (concurrency, synchronization, deadlock), Processes, threads and Inter-process communication, CPU scheduling, Memory management, File systems, I/O systems, Protection and security.
Textbook :
” Operating system concepts ” by Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Galvin
” Advanced Unix Programming ” by W. Richard . Stevens
” Advanced Unix Programming ” by N.B.Venkateswarlu , BPB publications
” Operating system concepts ” by Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Galvin
” Advanced Unix Programming ” by W. Richard . Stevens
” Advanced Unix Programming ” by N.B.Venkateswarlu , BPB publications
Databases: Relational model (ER-model, relational algebra, tuple calculus), Database design (integrity constraints, normal forms), Query languages (SQL), File structures (sequential files, indexing, B+ trees), Transactions and concurrency control;
Textbook :
” Database Management systems ” – Raghu RamaKrishnan
” Database system concepts ” – Silberschatz , Korth , Sudarshan
” Database systems ” – C.J.Date { normalisation is very lucidly written }
” Principles of Database Systems ” – J.D.Ullman { This is a very good book }
” Database Management systems ” – Raghu RamaKrishnan
” Database system concepts ” – Silberschatz , Korth , Sudarshan
” Database systems ” – C.J.Date { normalisation is very lucidly written }
” Principles of Database Systems ” – J.D.Ullman { This is a very good book }
Computer Networks: ISO/OSI stack, sliding window protocol, LAN Technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), TCP/UDP, IP, Basic concepts of switches, gateways, and routers.
Textbook :
” Computer Networks ” – Tenenbaum
” Data communications and Networking ” – William Stallings
Textbook :
” Computer Networks ” – Tenenbaum
” Data communications and Networking ” – William Stallings
Some more important books :
” Multiple choice questions ” – Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications
” Gate Question Papers ” – G.K.Publishers { follow it only for questions , answers are all wrong in it }
“Aptitude Test” -D R Choudhary
” Multiple choice questions ” – Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications
” Gate Question Papers ” – G.K.Publishers
” Multiple choice questions ” – Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications
” Gate Question Papers ” – G.K.Publishers { follow it only for questions , answers are all wrong in it }
“Aptitude Test” -D R Choudhary
” Multiple choice questions ” – Timothy . J . Williams , TMH publications
” Gate Question Papers ” – G.K.Publishers
GATE 2012 Preparation Guide
I would like to represent a first GATE preparation to support with all the information needed for a student to crack GATE apart from technical guide. Covers almost all the topics and lead the whole guide till last minutes to the GATE exam. I hope that will help to many students to find right information and motivation in one place.
It will cover many topics needed for students to understand GATE exam and M.Tech admissions.
This Guide will include the following topics and more topics will be added as and then information available. To get a motivational letter and information updates I would recommend every reader to subscribe by email.
GATE Study Material
For some subjects there are multiple books, don’t get confused which one to start. The best book to start with is the book you read before during academic year. It will save your time to learn the concepts as you are already know and if you have any doubts you can refer to the other books. Best thing is to have an own book and other book either can be borrowed from library or from other friend.
I will try to compile one subject study material everyday and I hope to finish few subjects during this week.
GATE Study Material for ECE
GATE Study Material for Electrical Engineering
GATE Study Material for Mechanical
GATE Study Material for Civil
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Verbal Aptitude Interview Questions
Verbal Aptitude Interview Questions For Freshers
1. Depreciation: deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump
2. Deprecate : feel and express disapproval,
3. Incentive : thing one encourages one to do (stimulus)
4. Echelon : level of authority or responsibility
5. Innovation : make changes or introduce new things
6. Intermittent : externally stopping and then starting
7. Detrimental: harmful
8. Conciliation : make less angry or more friendly
9. Orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious
10. Fallible : liable to error
11. Volatile : ever changing
12. Manifest: clear and obvious
13. Connotation : suggest or implied meaning of expression
14. Reciprocal: reverse or opposite
15. Agrarian : related to agriculture
16. Vacillate : undecided or dilemma
17. Expedient : fitting proper, desirable
18. Simulate : produce artificially resembling an existing one.
19. Access : to approach
20. Compensation: salary
21. Truncate : shorten by cutting
22. Adherence : stick
23. Heterogeneous: non similar things
24. Surplus : excessive
25. Assess : determine the amount or value
26. Cognizance : knowledge
27. Retrospective : review
28. Naive : innocent, rustic
29. Equivocate : tallying on both sides, lie, mislead
30. Postulate : frame a theory
31. Latent : dormant, secret
32. Fluctuation : wavering,
33. Eliminate : to reduce
34. Affinity : strong liking
35. Expedite : hasten
36. Console : to show sympathy
37. Adversary : opposition
38. Affable : lovable or approachable
39. Decomposition : rotten
40. Agregious : apart from the crowd, especially bad
41. Conglomeration: group, collection
42. Aberration: deviation
43. Augury : prediction
44. Creditability : ability to common belief, quality of being credible
45. Coincident: incidentally
46. Constituent : accompanying
47. Differential : having or showing or making use of
48. Litigation : engaging in a law suit
49. Moratorium: legally or officially determined period of delay before
fulfillment of the agreement of paying of debts.
50. Negotiate : discuss or bargain
51. Preparation : act of preparing
52. Preponderant : superiority of power or quality
53. Relevance : quality of being relevant
54. Apparatus : appliances
55. Ignorance : blindness, in experience
56. Obsession: complex enthusiasm
57. precipitate : speed, active
58. corroborative: refutable
59. obnoxious : harmless
60. sanction: hinder
61. empirical: experimental
62. aborigine: emigrant
63. corpulent : emaciated
64. officious: pragmate
65. Agitator : Firebrand :: Renegade : Turncoat
66. Burst : Sound :: Tinder : Fire
67. Star : cluster :: Tree : clump
68. Piston : Cylinder :: elevator : shaft
69. Mitigate : punishment :: commute : sentence
70. Erudite : scholar :: illiterate : ignorant
71. Fire : Ashes :: explosion : debris
72. mason : wall :: Author : Book
73. Fire : Ashes :: Event : memories
74. (a) cheerleaders : pompoms
(b) audience:seats
(c) team:goalposts
(d) conductor:podium
(e) referee:decision
Ans. (a)
75. archipelago:islands::
(a) arbor:bower
(b) garden:flower
(c) mountain:valley
(d) sand:dune
(e) constellation:star
Ans. (a)
76. crow:boastful ::
(a) smirk:witty
(b) conceal:s;y
(c) pout:sulky
(d) blush:coarse
(e) bluster:unhappy
Ans. (a)
77. bracket:shelf ::
(a) hammer:anvil
(b) girder:rivet
(c) strut:rafter
(d) valve:pipe
(e) bucket:well
Ans. (a)
78. taxonomy:classification ::
(a) etymology:derivation
(b) autonomy:authorization
(c) economy:rationalization
(d) tautology:justification
(e) ecology:urbanisation
Ans. (a)
79. moderator:debate ::
(a) legislator:election
(b) chef:banquet
(c) auditor:lecture
(d) conspirator:plot
(e) umpire:game
Ans. (a)
80. glossary:words ::
(a) catalogue:dates
(b) atlas:maps
(c) almanac:synonyms
(d) thesaurus:rhymes
(e) lexicon:numbers
Ans. (a)
81. lumber: bear ::
(a) roost:hen
(b) bray:donkey
(c) waddle:goose
(d) swoop:hawk
(e) chirp:sparrow
Ans. (a)
82. celerity:snail ::
(a) indolence:sloth
(b) cunning:weasel
(c) curiosity:cat
(d) humility:peacock
(e) obstinacy:mule
Ans. (a)
83. wood:sand ::
(a) coal:burn
(b) brick:lay
(c) oil:polish
(d) metal:burnish
(e) stone:quarry
Ans. (a)
84. carpenter:saw ::
(a) stenographer:typist
(b) painter:brush
(c) lawyer:brief
(d) runner:sneakers
(e) seamstress:scissors
Ans. (a)
85. horns:bull ::
(a) mane:lion
(b) wattles:turkey
(c) antlers:stag
(d) hooves:horse
(e) wings:eagle
Ans. (a)
86. gullible:duped ::
(a) credible:cheated
(b) careful:cautioned
(c) malleable:moulded
(d) myopic:mislead
(e) articulate:silenced
Ans. (a)
87. marathon:stamina ::
(a) relay:independence
(b) hurdle:perseverance
(c) sprint:celerity
(d) job:weariness
(e) ramble:directness
Ans. (a)
88. Skin:man ::
(a) hide:animal
(b) jump:start
(c) peel:potato
(d) eat:food
(e) wool:cloth
Ans. (a)
89. Bamboo:Shoot ::
(a) Bean:Sprout
(b) Peas:Pod
(c) Potato:Eye
(d) Carrot:Root
(e) Leaf:Stem
Ans. (a)
90. Deflect:Missile ::
(a) Siege:Castle
(b) Distract:Attraction
(c) Protect:Honour
(d) Drop:Catch
(e) Score:Goal
Ans. (a)
91. Editor:magazine ::
(a) captain:ship
(b) actor:movie
(c) director:film
(d) player:team
(e) jockey:horse
Ans. (a)
92. Volcano : Lava ::
(a) Fault:earthquate
(b) crack:wall
(c) tunnel:dig
(d) water:swim
(e) floor:polish
Ans. (a)
93. Disregarded
(a) heed
(b) hopeful
(c) evade
(d) dense
Ans. (a)
94. Obviate
(a) becloud
(b) necessitate
(c) rationalize
(d) execute
Ans. (b)
95. Superficial
(a) profound
(b) exaggerated
(c) subjective
(d) spirited
Ans. (a)
2. Deprecate : feel and express disapproval,
3. Incentive : thing one encourages one to do (stimulus)
4. Echelon : level of authority or responsibility
5. Innovation : make changes or introduce new things
6. Intermittent : externally stopping and then starting
7. Detrimental: harmful
8. Conciliation : make less angry or more friendly
9. Orthodox: conventional or traditional, superstitious
10. Fallible : liable to error
11. Volatile : ever changing
12. Manifest: clear and obvious
13. Connotation : suggest or implied meaning of expression
14. Reciprocal: reverse or opposite
15. Agrarian : related to agriculture
16. Vacillate : undecided or dilemma
17. Expedient : fitting proper, desirable
18. Simulate : produce artificially resembling an existing one.
19. Access : to approach
20. Compensation: salary
21. Truncate : shorten by cutting
22. Adherence : stick
23. Heterogeneous: non similar things
24. Surplus : excessive
25. Assess : determine the amount or value
26. Cognizance : knowledge
27. Retrospective : review
28. Naive : innocent, rustic
29. Equivocate : tallying on both sides, lie, mislead
30. Postulate : frame a theory
31. Latent : dormant, secret
32. Fluctuation : wavering,
33. Eliminate : to reduce
34. Affinity : strong liking
35. Expedite : hasten
36. Console : to show sympathy
37. Adversary : opposition
38. Affable : lovable or approachable
39. Decomposition : rotten
40. Agregious : apart from the crowd, especially bad
41. Conglomeration: group, collection
42. Aberration: deviation
43. Augury : prediction
44. Creditability : ability to common belief, quality of being credible
45. Coincident: incidentally
46. Constituent : accompanying
47. Differential : having or showing or making use of
48. Litigation : engaging in a law suit
49. Moratorium: legally or officially determined period of delay before
fulfillment of the agreement of paying of debts.
50. Negotiate : discuss or bargain
51. Preparation : act of preparing
52. Preponderant : superiority of power or quality
53. Relevance : quality of being relevant
54. Apparatus : appliances
55. Ignorance : blindness, in experience
56. Obsession: complex enthusiasm
57. precipitate : speed, active
58. corroborative: refutable
59. obnoxious : harmless
60. sanction: hinder
61. empirical: experimental
62. aborigine: emigrant
63. corpulent : emaciated
64. officious: pragmate
65. Agitator : Firebrand :: Renegade : Turncoat
66. Burst : Sound :: Tinder : Fire
67. Star : cluster :: Tree : clump
68. Piston : Cylinder :: elevator : shaft
69. Mitigate : punishment :: commute : sentence
70. Erudite : scholar :: illiterate : ignorant
71. Fire : Ashes :: explosion : debris
72. mason : wall :: Author : Book
73. Fire : Ashes :: Event : memories
74. (a) cheerleaders : pompoms
(b) audience:seats
(c) team:goalposts
(d) conductor:podium
(e) referee:decision
Ans. (a)
75. archipelago:islands::
(a) arbor:bower
(b) garden:flower
(c) mountain:valley
(d) sand:dune
(e) constellation:star
Ans. (a)
76. crow:boastful ::
(a) smirk:witty
(b) conceal:s;y
(c) pout:sulky
(d) blush:coarse
(e) bluster:unhappy
Ans. (a)
77. bracket:shelf ::
(a) hammer:anvil
(b) girder:rivet
(c) strut:rafter
(d) valve:pipe
(e) bucket:well
Ans. (a)
78. taxonomy:classification ::
(a) etymology:derivation
(b) autonomy:authorization
(c) economy:rationalization
(d) tautology:justification
(e) ecology:urbanisation
Ans. (a)
79. moderator:debate ::
(a) legislator:election
(b) chef:banquet
(c) auditor:lecture
(d) conspirator:plot
(e) umpire:game
Ans. (a)
80. glossary:words ::
(a) catalogue:dates
(b) atlas:maps
(c) almanac:synonyms
(d) thesaurus:rhymes
(e) lexicon:numbers
Ans. (a)
81. lumber: bear ::
(a) roost:hen
(b) bray:donkey
(c) waddle:goose
(d) swoop:hawk
(e) chirp:sparrow
Ans. (a)
82. celerity:snail ::
(a) indolence:sloth
(b) cunning:weasel
(c) curiosity:cat
(d) humility:peacock
(e) obstinacy:mule
Ans. (a)
83. wood:sand ::
(a) coal:burn
(b) brick:lay
(c) oil:polish
(d) metal:burnish
(e) stone:quarry
Ans. (a)
84. carpenter:saw ::
(a) stenographer:typist
(b) painter:brush
(c) lawyer:brief
(d) runner:sneakers
(e) seamstress:scissors
Ans. (a)
85. horns:bull ::
(a) mane:lion
(b) wattles:turkey
(c) antlers:stag
(d) hooves:horse
(e) wings:eagle
Ans. (a)
86. gullible:duped ::
(a) credible:cheated
(b) careful:cautioned
(c) malleable:moulded
(d) myopic:mislead
(e) articulate:silenced
Ans. (a)
87. marathon:stamina ::
(a) relay:independence
(b) hurdle:perseverance
(c) sprint:celerity
(d) job:weariness
(e) ramble:directness
Ans. (a)
88. Skin:man ::
(a) hide:animal
(b) jump:start
(c) peel:potato
(d) eat:food
(e) wool:cloth
Ans. (a)
89. Bamboo:Shoot ::
(a) Bean:Sprout
(b) Peas:Pod
(c) Potato:Eye
(d) Carrot:Root
(e) Leaf:Stem
Ans. (a)
90. Deflect:Missile ::
(a) Siege:Castle
(b) Distract:Attraction
(c) Protect:Honour
(d) Drop:Catch
(e) Score:Goal
Ans. (a)
91. Editor:magazine ::
(a) captain:ship
(b) actor:movie
(c) director:film
(d) player:team
(e) jockey:horse
Ans. (a)
92. Volcano : Lava ::
(a) Fault:earthquate
(b) crack:wall
(c) tunnel:dig
(d) water:swim
(e) floor:polish
Ans. (a)
93. Disregarded
(a) heed
(b) hopeful
(c) evade
(d) dense
Ans. (a)
94. Obviate
(a) becloud
(b) necessitate
(c) rationalize
(d) execute
Ans. (b)
95. Superficial
(a) profound
(b) exaggerated
(c) subjective
(d) spirited
Ans. (a)
96. chief : tribe :: governer : state
97. epaulette : shoulder :: tiara : head
98. guttural : throat :: gastric : stomach
99. inept : clever :: languid : active
100. Erudite : scholar :: illiterate : ignorant
Infosys Aptitude Questions
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